WhatsApp, owned by Meta, is apparently one of the platforms working on AI capabilities that would improve users’ experiences. According to sources, the instant messaging service is developing a feature set that will use AI technology to completely transform image editing. With the use of artificial intelligence, this future feature should enable users to make a variety of tweaks to their photographs, such as changing the backdrop, customising specific elements, and enlarging the image.
The foundational code for the AI-driven image editor is included in the most recent Android beta update (, according to a report from WABetaInfo. But this feature is still in development and hasn’t been released for beta programme members to try yet. An early implementation of the feature can be seen in WhatsApp’s Android image-sending interface, according to a sneak peek released by WABetaInfo. Users are presented with selectable choices such as Backdrop, Restyle, and Expand by a recognizable green icon next to the HD icon. These options each promise special editing capabilities, but the details of how they work are still unknown.
It's also said that WhatsApp is developing other features to enhance the user experience. Another feature that’s currently under development would allow users to communicate directly with the Meta AI service through the search bar, which would improve WhatsApp’s AI-powered features and increase the platform's potential for user support and engagement.
Even with the most recent app update, it’s important to remember that both functionalities are still in development and not currently accessible for testing. They are still being refined and will be made available to beta testers ahead of the general release. To guarantee feature parity between the two mobile platforms, these functionalities are also anticipated to be made available to iOS users.
Speaking of features for Android users, there have been rumours circulating that WhatsApp may soon allow voice notes to be converted into text so that you can read the contents without having to play the voice note. Initially released for iOS users, Android users may soon have access to this capability.
According to a previous WA Beta Info post, WhatsApp has added a function that enables users to convert voice messages into text. This gives those who might have trouble with audio playing or prefer text-based conversations an additional way to communicate. The article also stated that WhatsApp had started testing the same capabilities for Android users after the feature’s successful launch on iOS.
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