Mahindra is scheduled to introduce the significantly upgraded XUV 3XO on April 29. The updated SUV has been given a video glimpse by the manufacturer. The current model, the XUV300, which was introduced in 2018 and has never seen a significant facelift, will essentially be replaced by the 3XO. The extensively modified XUV300, now known as the XUV 3XO, is anticipated to acquire a number of new capabilities in addition to a completely new look. It is anticipated that the 3XO will have a much different appearance than the 300 and offer a new set of functions.
- On April 29, Mahindra will replace the old XUV300 with the all-new 3XO.
- To have an entirely new design in comparison to the XUV300.
- The car has been seen undergoing testing several times in India.
The car will have brand-new LED headlamps and a connected taillight arrangement. The teaser visually displays the vehicle’s tail, which has a connected tail-light configuration. Along with the new metal look, the all-new LED headlights with daytime running lights on either side are also apparent. Additionally, since the car in the teaser video is painted bright yellow, anticipate seeing the vehicle available in new, eye-catching color schemes.
Additionally, the teaser suggests that the 3XO would include ventilated seats. The car will have a dual-tone interior with a larger touchscreen infotainment system and a digital instrument cluster. It is anticipated to have the same inside design as the XUV400 Pro, which was just released. There is a single-pane sunroof on the car as well. Additional features that could potentially be included in the 3XO are a 360-degree surround-view camera system, dual-zone climate controls, and a wireless charger.
Engine and Gearbox
The car is anticipated to keep its current lineup of engines, which include a 1.2-liter turbo-petrol engine with 108 HP and 200 Nm of torque and a 1.2-liter turbo-petrol GDi engine with 128 HP and 230 Nm of torque. It is anticipated that a 1.5-liter turbocharged diesel engine producing 115 HP and 300 Nm of torque will also be available. Both a 6-speed manual and a 6-speed AMT are available as gearbox options.